Research Details
Creating a research environment that is more focused on a defined niche area. In this
research group, we want to unite researchers in the same field, strengthen team spirit
and create high -impact research.
- Provide a platform for the purpose of discussion on the latest trends related to oil
and gas technology. - Formation of expert groups to coordinate studies on oil and gas technology.
- Provide a platform to plan and implement programs and communication with the
industry. - Implement research activities to increase the level and quality of service and
consultation to industry and society.
- Enhance and enliven research activities among UTHM lecturers / staff
- Provide space for UTHM lecturers and staff to conduct research, publishing,
innovation and consulting activities that are more focused on specific areas of expertise.
Niche Area
- Integrated Oil Reservoir Characterization.
- Bio Diesel Fuel Engineering.
- Enhanced Oil Recovery.
- Safety and Health
- Noise and vibration
- provide professional boilerman certification and training
- provide professional steam engineer certification and trainings
- industrial collaborations
- industrial visits and trainings
- research grants awards
- consultation services
Related Research
About FTK
Academic Department
Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Pagoh Higher Education Hub, 84600 Pagoh, Muar, Johor.

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