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- Bachelor of Technology in Occupational Safety and Health with Honours – BNS
Bachelor of Technology in Occupational Safety and Health with Honours – BNS
Department Of Chemical Engineering Technology
Program Organization
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Program Details
- Bachelor of Technology in Occupational Safety and Health with Honours – BNS
4 Years
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Course Overview
Bachelor of Technology in Occupational Safety and Health with Honours is currently offered to Diploma students with vocational and technical backgrounds, where the mode of study is 2.5U1I which is known as industry mode. Herein, students will spend their academic semester for 2.5 years before joining the industry for a year in order to complete the degree programme.
The incorporation of industry in this programme is made via MoU/MoA/LOI so that the teaching and learning (T&L) process is in line with industrial needs. During a year placement in industry, student has a chance to immerse his/her experience in industry via work based learning (WBL), where he/she will acquire technical knowledge and skills from an industrial coach (IC), as well as a guidance for final year projects and internship.
This programme aim FIVE main clusters in Occupational Safety and Health, which are legislation and regulation, management, human resources, entrepreneurship and technical in OSH.
Career Opportunity
- Pengurus Keselamatan dan Kesihatan
- Penyelia Keselamatan dan Kesihatan
- Eksekutif Keselamatan dan Kesihatan
- Pegawai Perlindungan Persekitaran
- Penilai Pemantauan Bunyi Bising OSH
- Penilai Proses Keselamatan, Penilai Proses Risiko OSH
- Juru Audit Kesihatan Persekitaran dan Pekerjaan
- Pegawai Kesihatan Persekitaran
- Penilai Kualiti Udara Dalaman OSH
- Ahli Akademik OSH
- Penilai Kimia dan Juruteknik Higen
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About FTK
Academic Department
Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Pagoh Higher Education Hub, 84600 Pagoh, Muar, Johor.